Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Behe interview sparks controversy on

If you follow the Intelligent Design / Darwinian evolution debate, then you will want to check out this video. It was posted, taken down 6 hours later, then reinstated.

Here is the book stirring up all the controversy, see:


Jorgon Gorgon said...

There is no debate in the video. There is a non-specialist bamboozled by what appears to him to be an awesome sscientific breakthrough gushing all over the person responsible of the "breakthrough", totally unaware that it has been thoroughly debunked, botht as science and as philosophy.

I do not think that the diavlog should have been published in the first place; of course, taking it down was a wrong idea and played right into the paranoia of creationist circles.

Tim Arlen said...

This was a fascinating interview, thanks for sharing! Contrary to the above comment, I thought it was a very fair shake given to Behe, who has been widely criticized by both Christians and non-Christians. For someone like me, who is trying to learn all about what we know in the Biological sciences, particularly natural selection, it was extremely helpful in setting the terms and ideas of the debate.

MilkyWhite said...

Jorgon, the title above the video doesn't say "Behe *debate* sparks controversy...". It says "Behe INTERVIEW sparks controversy..."

Just thought I'd point that out...